Post Doctoral Fellows | FMED
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Post Doctoral Fellows

Thermoelectric properties of MoS2 nanostructures through bulk and thin film approach

Dr. R. Abinaya

Dr. R. Abinaya

​Gas sensors, Photodetector, Photocatalysis

Dr. P. Bharathi

Dr. P. Bharathi

Thermoelectrics, Bismuth and Tin-based layered chalcogenides, Superionic conductors, Zintl compounds.

Dr. V. Vijay

Dr. V. Vijay




Gr. S. Goapalakrishnan

Hybrid organic/inorganic 2D-nanostructure for photoelectrochemical /electrocatalytic water Splitting

Dr. S. Gopalakrishnan

Dr. C. Kanagaraj

Half-metallic Heusler alloys, Multiferroic materials, Metal-oxides, Thermoelectrics, thin film, first-principles DFT calculations and experiments.

Dr. C. Kanagaraj

Dr. K. P. Mohamed Jibri

Oxide thermoelectrics, perovskites, strongly correlated electron system, spin-state driven thermoelectrics, Mott insulators

Dr. K. P. Mohamed Jibri

Dr. Dhayanithi Duraisamy

Structural Analysis, Piezoceramics, Ferroelectric, Electrostriction, Multiferroics, Energy Storage Materials and Electrocaloric materials.

Dr. Dhayanithi Duraisamy

Dr. M. Geerthana

Supercapacitor, Photoelectrochemical Water splitting, Fuel cell, Nanotechnology, Ternary Metal oxides.

Dr. M. Geerthana

Dr. S.Athithya

Fabricating porous metal oxide dye sensitized solar and photocatalysis application,  Chalcogenides based materials for thermoelectric application

Dr. S.Athithya

Photocatalysis, Thin films, Electrocatalyst (HER)

Dr. Govindaraj T

Dr. Govindaraj T

Dr. Prakash D

Electrocatalysis (HER), Supercapacitor, Thin film

Dr. Prakash D

Dr. Karthikeyan

Nanomaterials, Supercapacitor,  Batteries, and Water splitting

Dr. Karthikeyan

Dr. K. Arun

Dr. K. Arun

Thermoelectric Materials

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